Way back into writing…

In April 2017, the 4 of us got together to start Pinch of Turquoise. Back then, I was in an experimental stage in life,where I was up to try anything and everything that aligned to my interests. I started fashion blogging without knowing its intricacies. I did enjoy the shoots. But I soon realised, more than the outcome of the shoot I enjoyed the process of it.

I loved to write and edit my writings but hated the process of having to post pictures in a particular way, so many times a day. And soon, I found myself in a spot,where I didn’t want to write anymore. I found myself staring at an empty screen, without being able to write anymore.

I have rarely done anything, that I didn’t enjoy. I chose an offbeat profession of being a freelance teacher at the age of 16, because it gave me, that adrenaline rush to get me to class in sickness and in health. So much so, that I taught the next day of my dog’s death.  So I had to stop and understand, what is it that isn’t letting me write anymore. And thus, I decided to take a small sabbatical from blogging and think it all through.

I wanted to pause and think – What is it that I enjoy about Pinch of Turquoise?

I found the answer in a very beautiful way.

At one of my favorite Book Cafe – Pagdandi, I bumped into a wise friend – Anshumaan. As we were catching up, he asked me why I don’t write anymore. After trying to explain to him about my Blogger’s block , I started talking to him about my friend’s new travel cafe in Baner – Captain Parbat. As I was going on and on about the beauty of that place, Anshumaan interjected and  said –

“This is what you should write about. Write about the people you meet,the places you like. Don’t do it to please anyone but write because you enjoy it. You don’t need to follow the social media protocol.”

And I got my answer – I like to be a story-teller.  I like to talk about fabrics and the efforts put into the process of making it look,the way it does. I like to write about the bond humans share with each other. I like to write about the mountains and the sea. I want to write about my travels with vivid people. Most of all, I like to write about the people, who bring a smile on my face. I don’t like to be obliged to only write content that reaches so and so number of followers on Instagram and Facebook.

As I reached these conclusions and looked at my personal blog reach, I realised, the blogs which I enjoyed writing, always had the maximum readers and I got the most number of comments on those blogs. And then it all fit in place. People value and read only something, that’s from the heart. So I am now going to buckle up and write from my heart. I don’t know, if I’ll ever enjoy being a social media influencer but I surely have my way back into writing.


I hope all of us find such angels, who bring simple solutions to questions that we ponder upon for too long unnecessarily.

Picture Credits- My most favorite people – Neha and Jay 🙂 

19 thoughts on “Way back into writing…

  1. Very good that you are back to writing.. I did miss PoT blogs and all you girl gang updates on seeing life with a pinch of Turquoise 😉😘


  2. I am so glad you are back to writing…you connect at a very different level..the soul…keep writing my dear and kindle more souls along the way..


  3. Vishaka. Nice to know you are back to writing !! I could never hold a pen straight – so much for writing .. but am an avid reader.. Enjoy yourself and write about it…Will read all about it. God bless..


  4. Yes.. That’s what you are sweet.. A story teller.. You have insight into the life of people around you..great that you have figured out..


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